Jakob Eriksson → Sr Art Director

A reason to make up a reason.
Stena Line
CP+B — 2017

Swedes have been buying cheap alcohol in Denmark, Germany and Poland for decades. Yet, swedes would never admit to buying cheap booze as the main reason for them to travel there. It’s unsophisticated. Maybe even embarrassing.

So we lie to ourselves. We make up reasons to travel and persuade ourselves we do it for a noble reason, when all we really want is to get our hands on some ridiculously cheep beer. Being Swedish is complicated.

My role: Art Director/Creative

1/16 Polish
Stena Line — 2018
We need to stop lying to ourselves — all we really want is to get our hands on some ridiculously cheep beer.
The World’s Happiest People
Stena Line — 2018
This ad actually ran for a few weeks. Impressive.
Jakob Eriksson
Art Director/Creative
E-mail: jakob@two86.com
Phone: +46 736 370 998