Jakob Eriksson → Sr Art Director

From thinking → To doing
Animal — 2020

Sweden has a significantly higher proportion of patents and start-ups than most other countries. It's almost like there's something in the water.

We wanted to explore that spirit and celebrate all the people who roll up their sleeves and go from thinking, to doing

My role: Art Director/Creative

Entrepreneurial Minds Manifesto.
Directed by Fredrik Hvass, Swim Club.

The campaigh also featured short portraits of each entrepreneur and their journey from thinking, to doing. 
Moa Gürbüzer — Oddbird
Making alcohol-liberated wines.

Sara Serray — Wellibites
Creating the impossible — healthy candy.

Rebu Barudwa — Rutasoka Coffee
Reinvesting the profits where the coffee is grown.

Pär Svärdson — Apotea
Bringing the pharmacy to your door.

Ulrika Tornerefelt — Stella Futura
Bringing solar power to the developing world.

Jakob Eriksson
Art Director/Creative
E-mail: jakob@two86.com
Phone: +46 736 370 998